Photography prices in Hoi An (Vietnam)
There are many prices for Hoi An tourism photography on the market, calculated by the hour, with accompanying services (costume rental, shuttle bus, makeup...). To optimize costs for customers, we would like to introduce a price list for outdoor portrait photography for tourists, from 1,000,000 VND/1 hour.

Personal Photography Packages: 1.000.000 VND/1 hour 
Couple Photography Packages: 1.200.000 VND/1 hour
Family Photography Packages: 1.200.000 VND/1 hour
Group Photography Packages: 1.200.000 VND/1 hour

All photography packages include specific consultation information, cost of photography equipment, photo shooting and editing, file delivery via Google Drive cloud service.

We accept payment by cash, bank transfer (Applicable to banks in Vietnam), Wise or Paypal.
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